
Covert Method

of Entry (CME)

SUMMIS Global’s CME Course is designed to give students the skills and knowledge to effectively plan for, and conduct covert entry operations.

The CME Course is delivered by specialists in this field including former UK Special Forces and MI5.


  • Lock recognition and identification
  • Mechanics of a lock
  • Equipment and tools
  • Entry techniques (lockpicking) – Pin tumbler, Wafer, Warded, 3 & 5 Lever Mortice Locks
  • Non-destructive bypass techniques
  • Key Impressioning
  • Key Bumping
  • Car Entry.


All of our training products are designed specifically for  Government Agencies and the corporate, legal, insurance and professional services sectors.

All our courses are bespoke and tailored to meet individual client needs.


We pride ourselves on delivering bespoke Specialist Surveillance and Reconnaissance (SpSR) training courses, delivered at the highest standard to ensure individuals have the skills required to carry out covert operations globally.

Advanced Covert Surveillance

SUMMIS Global’s Advanced Covert Surveillance Course is designed to give students the knowledge and skills required in planning and managing covert surveillance.

Covert Technical Surveillance

SUMMIS Global’s Covert Technical Surveillance Course is designed to teach students the knowledge and skills to deploy covert technical surveillance equipment.

Covert Method of Entry (CME)

SUMMIS Global’s CME Course is designed to give students the skills and knowledge to effectively plan for, and conduct covert entry operations.

Advanced Targert Reconnaissance (ATR)

SUMMIS Global’s ATR Course is designed to give students the knowledge and skills to plan and conduct covert intelligence operations globally.