Our training courses are based on current UK Special Forces Training, Tactics and Procedures (TTP’s). UKSF is widely known as being at the forefront of SpSR.
Training can be delivered at one of our two training venues in the UK or by a Consulting Team at a location of the client’s choosing. Each course can be taught in English or the local language of the host nation using interpreters.
Achieving the quality of service we expect to deliver requires two critical components: firstly a dynamic and current understanding of the threats and risks of a given situation and secondly the physical, technical and holistic approach to mitigating them.
Advanced Covert Surveillance (ACS)
Covert Technical Surveillance (CTS)
Covert Method of Entry (CME)
Advanced Target Reconnaissance (ATR)
Close Quarter Battle (CQB)
Sensitive Site Exploitation (SSE)
Communications Systems Exploitation (CSE)

Training can be delivered at one of our two training venues in the UK or by a Consulting Team at a location of the client’s choosing. Each course can be taught in English or the local language of the host nation using interpreters.
Achieving the quality of service we expect to deliver requires two critical components: firstly a dynamic and current understanding of the threats and risks of a given situation and secondly the physical, technical and holistic approach to mitigating them.
Subjects Covered
- Mobile Navigation
- Foot Surveillance
- Mobile Surveillance
- Anti Surveillance
- Counter Surveillance
- Covert Imagery
- Behavioural Awareness
- Technical aids to Surveillance
- Log Keeping & Reporting
- Command & Control of Surveillance Operations
Summis Global’s CTS course is designed to give students the knowledge and skills to
deploy covert technical surveillance equipment.
The CTS course covers the full spectrum of technical surveillance assets available to aid
a physical surveillance team. Students will be taught the theory to each subject and will
be practised deploying in real world scenarios.
Subjects Covered
- Introduction to technical surveillance equipment
– Audio, video & tracking systems - Bearer systems
– GSM, Bluetooth, WiFi & RF - Covert deployment methods
– Urban & Rural
– Internal & External
– Mimicry - Tracking Devices
- Self-built technical devices
- Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM)
- Command & Control of Technical Surveillance Operations

Summis Global’s CME course is designed to give students the skills and knowledge to
effectively plan for, and conduct covert entry operations.
Students will be practised and tested in both the theory and tactical aspects for CME.
Subjects Covered
- Lock recognition and identification
- Mechanics of a lock
- Equipment and tools
- Lockpicking
– Pin Tumbler, Wafer, Warded, 3 & 5 Lever Mortice Locks - Non-destructive bypass techniques
- Key Impressioning
- Key Bumping
- Vehicle Entry
The ATR course is designed to give students the knowledge and skills to plan and conduct covert intelligence operations globally.
The ATR course is a vital building block in producing an SpSR operator and essential
prior to technical exploitation courses.
Subjects Covered
- Plan and preparation of an ATR
- ATR deployment
– Rural & Urban - Observation Posts (OPs)
– Rural & Urban - Covert search, tell tales & ground sign
- Covert photography
- Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Training Courses
Close Quarter Battle (CQB)
The CQB course is designed specifically for covert operators working in an SpSR role.
- Weapon handling – pistols & rifles
- Intense progressive pistol training
- Covert carriage of weapons
- Car drills
- Foot drills
- Individual & team drills
- Field firing exercises
- Operator rescue
Sensitive Site Exploitation (SSE)
The SSE course teaches covert techniques for digital and biometric collection on target. Triage and speed will feature throughout the practical training and scenarios.
- An introduction to digital forensic theory and practices
- Biometric collection techniques
- The exploitation of digital media; laptops, USB devices, drones, mobile phones & SIM cards
- Digital marking and moving of objects
- World’s fastest imaging techniques
- Realistic and challenging confirmation exercises
Communications Systems Exploitation
The IMSI / IMEI Grabbing course teaches the theory and practical aspects of Geo-Location in a covert role.
- Protocol training
- Tactical recce
- Target development
- Geolocation
- Vehicle & foot drills
- RF direction finding